As much as a joy as it can be, parenting can also be hard. Keeping kids clean, safe, and organized can be one of the toughest jobs in the world. We’ll bet you didn’t know that there is probably an easier way to just about everything you need to do for your children.
We’ve collected 37 of the most amazing parenting hacks you’ve ever seen. You’re going to be surprised that you didn’t think of these before. Not only will they help to keep you organized, they’ll give you a little peace of mind, too.
From how to organize and store toys to a quick fix for tangled Barbie hair, we’ve got a little of everything in here, and it’s guaranteed to make your life a bit easier. Read on for the most genius parenting hacks from around the web.
We’re sure you’re going to find at least one that will help to make your life a little simpler.
Magnet Cups for the Fridge
This may be the coolest trick ever! If you have a fridge that gives you water from the door, you can attach magnets to your kids’ cups and just stick them right there on the fridge. This way, you won’t be running back and forth all the time getting those little drinks of water.
They can just grab the cup and get it themselves. The best part? These are less than $1 each to make. You can find these neat plastic cups at Walmart or the Dollar Store. Then just glue the magnets to them and you’re all set.
DIY Details and Project Credit: adventuresinpinteresting2012
Stuffed Animal Chair
Ok, so this little hack not only gives you a great storage place for all those stuffed animals, it gives the little ones a neat chair, too. You just create a bean bag of sorts, which zips up so that you can add the stuffed animals.
Choose fabric that matched your child’s bedroom décor and it will add instant charm. Plus, you get a great place to keep those stuffed animals off the floor and out of the way. When they want one, they just unzip the chair and take it out. What could possibly be easier?
DIY Details and Project Credit: threadridinghood
Vanity Step Drawer
Help little ones reach the bathroom sink easier, and without pulling a chair to the vanity or having a step stool sitting in the way. This easy to make slide out drawer is perfect for the bathroom.
It hides under the vanity and you or your child can just pull it out when they need to brush their teeth, wash their hands, or otherwise use the sink. You’ll need a few woodworking supplies of course, but this is honestly a really easy project and one that definitely gets our vote for amazing parenting hacks.
DIY Details and Project Credit: ana-white
Doll Hair Fix
Ok, if your daughter has Barbies or other dolls, then you’ve probably dealt with doll bad hair days. This quick and easy fix will solve those hair problems, and make dolly’s hair easier to comb once again.
A simple solution of water and fabric softener will do the trick. Just mix in a spray bottle and spray onto the doll’s hair. If you divide the hair into sections, it works better. You can also dip the comb into the solution and tacked it that way. It’s a great, and easy, fix for tangled doll hair.
Shoe Bag Car Organizer
A cheap shoe bag is the perfect organizer for the car. Not only will it fit perfectly over the back of the seat, you can use the individual pockets to store everything your kids need for short and long trips. Keep snacks, books, headphones, DVDs, or whatever you need perfectly organized.
If your child has multiple activities throughout the week, you can use the pockets to store things they need for soccer, music lessons, or whatever else they do, and keep your car neat and tidy, while having everything in a place where it can be easily found.
DIY Details and Project Credit: marthastewart
Monster Spray
Kids have monsters under their beds? Make bedtime much easier by creating this “Monster Spray” that will run those monsters away and ease your child’s fears. Just decorate a bottle so that your child knows what it’s for.
The Dollar Store normally has spray bottles for just a dollar or so, or you can reuse a Glade or Febreeze bottle. Fill it with water, or add some Febreeze if you want to freshen the room while you run those monsters off. Then let your little one spray under and around the bed to keep monsters at bay while they sleep.
DIY Details and Project Credit: happygoluckyblog
Baby Gate
Stairs and toddlers definitely don’t mix. If you have stairs and you need to install a baby gate, but you want to protect your banister, there is a really easy hack for that. Instead of drilling holes into the banister to install the gate, you just use a two-by-four.
This helps to keep your baby gate secure but helps you to protect your banister as well. You just need the two-by-four and some zip ties and you’re ready to install that gate and keep your stair banister intact.
DIY Details and Project Credit: foxfamilyincary
Baby Stain Pre-Treat
Ok, so babies are messy. In fact, most parents end up throwing out half of their baby’s clothes because of the stains on them from drooling, formula, spit up, and baby food.
There is actually a really good treatment that will remove those stains, so you can keep baby’s clothes. You just mix baking soda, peroxide, and Dawn dishwashing liquid. The mixture is magic! It dissolves all those stains and leaves baby’s clothes looking like new again.
DIY Details and Project Credit: mylifeinpink-kim
Car Play Shirt
This is a neat little hack that not only keeps the kids busy, but it gives dad a much needed back rub, too. Take an old (or new if you prefer) t-shirt and draw roads on it. There is actually a stencil that you can use that will help you to create an entire road play area on the shirt.
Dad then wears it and lays down in the floor, allowing the little ones to roll their cars along the roads. Even when dad’s super tired, this gives him a way to play with the kids and get a little massage while he’s at it, and it frees up time for mom to get other things done around the house.
DIY Details and Project Credit: thebluebasket
Pacifier Storage
Pacifiers are a must when you have little ones. To keep those pacifiers clean and sanitized, we’ve found a great hack that involves plastic soufflé cups from your favorite restaurant. You can also use plastic cups that you find at the Dollar Store or Dollar Tree.
Just sanitize your pacifiers and put them into the cup, securing the lid. This way, you can keep them on hand in the car or anywhere you may be, without worrying about them getting dirty or dusty.
DIY Details and Project Credit: cynditha
Toilet Paper Sign
Kids are infamous for using too much toilet paper, particularly ones that are just learning the ins and outs of the potty. If you’ve experienced clogged toilets or running out of toilet paper way before you should, this “Thou Shalt Not Pass” sign is a must!
It’s a simple sign that you put on the wall and your child uses it to gauge how much toilet paper is enough. So, there’s no more of that half a roll being flushed at once.
DIY Details and Project Credit: amandathevirtuouswife
DIY Crib Teething Guard
If you have a little one who is teething, you may wonder about how to keep him from biting on his crib. While you may not be able to stop him completely from using his crib rail as a teething toy, you can protect his teeth, and the rail itself, with this DIY teething guard.
You just need a little fabric and an hour or so to pull it all together. This also helps to decorate the crib and it will protect those little teeth from being damaged by the wood from the crib.
DIY Details and Project Credit: janemarieblog
Girl Scout Cookies!
Ok, so Girl Scout Cookies aren’t a hack, but this neat selling aid is. Make going door to door easier for your little scout. This would work really well for any fundraiser and you can use it again and again.
It’s basically a dry erase board with a duct tape sling, so you can customize it for whatever fundraising project they are doing at the moment. It makes carrying all those boxes much easier and gives a place for papers and other fundraising necessities.
DIY Details and Project Credit: chicacircle
Easy Medicine Chart
You know when kids get sick it’s difficult to get them to take their medicine. What’s even worse sometimes is forgetting to give it to them. This easy “finish what you start” chart will help you to remember when you’ve given your little one her medicine and when the next dose is due.
It will also help you to know when the bottle should be finished. You just draw the chart right on the bottle and then mark down every time you give the medicine. If you’re not sure that you remembered, just check the chart on the bottle!
DIY Details and Project Credit:
Repurposed Crib Bookshelf
Once your little one outgrows the crib, consider turning it into this neat book storage. It hangs on the wall, giving your child a space to keep all his favorite books. Plus, it won’t cost you anything since you’re using a repurposed crib.
This is a really easy project that you can finish in an afternoon and it helps you to keep things organized while it adds a bit of décor to any room.
DIY Details and Project Credit: diyhshp
Key Organizer
Finding your keys, especially when you’re pressed for time, can be frustrating. A better way is to create a key organizer that keeps those hiding rascals right where they should be when you need them. Just a few hooks on the back of a door will do the trick.
You can also use this system to hang backpacks, sunglasses, or anything that holds you up because you can never find it. Command hooks cost very little but can give you so much organizational power!
DIY Details and Project Credit: onecreativehousewife
DIY Baby Puffs
Little ones love those baby puffs that you can buy at Walmart or any grocery store. Most parents do too, but they can get rather expensive. We’ve found a better way. How about creating your own baby puffs?
And, with this neat little hack, you can ensure that you choose a flavor that your baby loves. Not only did we find a way for you to create these little easy to eat puffs with a Play-Doh tool, we’ve also found a great recipe that is much more natural than what you can buy over the counter.
DIY Details and Project Credit: mommy-opinion
Safety Tattoos
If you’re planning an outing, going on vacation, or otherwise heading to a busy place, we’ve found the perfect parenting hack that will help to keep your little ones safe.
Create a temporary tattoo of your phone number so that if your little one wanders off, whoever finds her can call your cell phone immediately. You can keep that tattoo in place firmly with some liquid bandage, which you can easily wash off once you’re home again safe and sound.
DIY Details and Project Credit: thepapermama
Mess Free Sidewalk Chalk
Sidewalk chalk is a favorite for most children, but it can be quite messy. We’ve found a great recipe to make your own sidewalk chalk, which also saves you money, and you put them into empty deodorant bottles so they’re easy for kids to use and much less messy.
When not in use, just replace the lid so that the chalk doesn’t dry out. Plus, they can raise the chalk up in the bottle as it becomes more used. What a great way to get rid of the mess and organize your outdoor play!
DIY Details and Project Credit: de-tout-et-de-rien-caroline
Mess Free Popsicles
Popsicles are definitely a child’s favorite, but can be so very messy. Make popsicle time easier, and with very minimal cleanup but just using cupcake papers. Just cut a small slit into the cupcake liner, enough for the popsicle stick to fit through.
Then just slide it in and the liner keeps drips from getting all over hands, clothes, and furniture or carpet. This is one of the easiest, yet most needed parenting hacks around.
DIY Details and Project Credit: jugglingwithkids
No Spill Paint Cups
You know you secretly love Starbucks! You will also love this no spill paint cup hack using those cups from your favorite coffee shop. The next time you visit Starbucks, or the next five times, we’re not judging, keep the cup and lid.
Clean them up and use them for paint the next time your little one wants to be creative. The lid helps to stop drips before they happen and the cup itself will keep the paint from spilling out if it’s tipped over.
DIY Details and Project Credit: bebravekeepgoing
Sticker Remover Hack
So, you know those adorable stickers that your little ones want to play with all the time? If you do, then you also know how horribly difficult it can be to get those cute little stickers off your furniture and walls.
We’ve found the perfect sticker removal hack. Using your blow dryer, just heat the sticker enough to loosen the glue on the back and then just peel it off. No more stickers on your walls or tile!
DIY Details and Project Credit: realsimple
Lost Socks Board
If you’re like most parents you probably spend several hours a week hunting up mates to those lost socks. A better way has been found! This adorable, and very handy, sock board lets you pin those spare socks up in the laundry room.
You leave them there until you find their matches. This keeps you from losing one while hunting for the other and will make it so much easier to match socks when the kids lose one. Plus, it’s easy to make and looks really cute hanging in the laundry.
DIY Details and Project Credit: scrappycath
On the Road Organizer
Plan those long road trips without worry when you use this organizing hack that we’ve found. This little gem is perfect for vacations or traveling to see the grandparents for the holidays. You’ll need a few supplies and the gist is to create backseat bowls that keeps everyone happy.
In each bowl, put an activity that your child will enjoy, something to occupy them on the long trip, and some of her favorite snacks. You can do different bowls for each child, ensuring that everyone is happy.
DIY Details and Project Credit: eighteen25
DVD Coloring Case
An old DVD case makes the perfect organizer for coloring supplies, particularly for road trips. You can put coloring pencils and paper inside the case, and it gives your kids a mini table for coloring activities in the car.
If you don’t have an old DVD case to use, many video stores will sell them to you for less than a dollar each. Make a different one for each child and let them customize it however they like.
DIY Details and Project Credit: stacy-vaughn
Other Ingenious Parenting Hacks

Tangie fry
I really loved the plastic baby bath bottle hack I will definitely use this one so my kids don't get water everywhere! I really hate water everywere! Thankyou Tangie fry
Mary Spires
I love all these ideas
I loved all the ideas! Going to use several of them!!!!