Going on a camping trip is such an exciting adventure. Getting back to nature can be very refreshing and spending time in the great outdoors, away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life can be very rewarding. What makes it more fun is that there are things you can do to bring a bit of convenience in your camping zone.
I know, camping is meant to be completely natural but these DIY tricks aren’t necessarily going against the camping grain. They are more for helping you to better enjoy yourself while you are getting back to nature.
Imagine making small mini oil lamps out of travel sized shampoo bottles. Or how about a lantern that will illuminate your entire tent made only out of a gallon of water and a headlamp. There are so many great tricks that you can easily learn that will make camping a bit more convenient and these are especially helpful if you are camping with little ones.
For instance, have you considered using pieces of a straw to store single-use sizes of Neosporin or other ointments? How about baking homemade bread in an old coffee can? Or, imagine making your own coffee bags – think tea bags but with coffee – so that you can have a steaming cup any time you want?
There are many, many things that you can do to prepare for your camping trip and make that trip an absolute blast. After all, the DIY way is so much fun, who says you can’t DIY your camping trips?
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1. Very creative ideas. In my last camping I applied your tricks and got so much benefited. Especially the “Homemade calamine lotion”, “How to waterproof your shoes” and “tin grill” ideas helped me a lot. Anybody can apply the ideas. I’m sure they’ll be benefited. Thanks the writing you’ve introduced me to some great new ideas.
Roger Mose
I love all these ideas but my favorite is the grill! This is such a fun and cool idea for camping or doing with your kids. And the hot dogs are an added bonus!
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Oliver Jones
Apparently, this are the basic materials that needed. Very practical idea that is to be use.
Thank so much for ALL the ideas you have geaven. I am going to try some.?
Lola Neallove
love to hear more, this is really good news, never know what's going to happen.